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Peak Mt Wilson
Group Nadia & Charyn
Trailhead Chantry Flats

I was really excited to complete my first hike of this challenge. It was definitely a fun adventure! I did not expect for Wilson to be so beautiful! Felt so happy being surrounded by all the beauty of the forest. We started at Chantry Flats and went to Sturtevant Falls first. It was worth checking out the waterfall and we got lucky to see a rainbow. We headed back out and decided to take the Upper Trail. I really enjoyed the view it had to offer. We passed by the Sturtevant Campground and were surprised to see people dancing in a cabin. The swing also caught our attention and in that moment a man came out to talk to us. It turns out that there was an annual Contra Dance meet up that weekend, it was interesting to learn more about this dance and how much people enjoy it. We then asked this gentleman to take a picture of us while we were swinging on the swing. Well that was an epic fail, it wasn’t long before we fell off the swing and landed on our butts! Luckily he took a picture of us laughing while we were still on the ground, nice memory! After we got up, a nice lady came out and asked us if we wanted to join them and contra dance. We went for it and it was a nice break from our hike. We really enjoyed ourselves. We continued on our way after 20-25 minutes. For the most part, this hike did not kick my butt like I expected. It was the last three miles of the hike that got hard but I was proud of myself for hiking the whole way up while carrying 20 pounds in my bag. Good training for the next hikes. When we finally reached the top we took a break to eat and headed back down through the Sierra Madre Trail, Winter Creek Trail and then we decided to go through the Lower Creek trail. Enjoyed the beautiful green forest, lots of laughs, random moments and a great hike!

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