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Peak Mt Wilson
Group N/A
Trailhead Chantry Flats

So Cal weather is ever-changing this season. What a blessing, so much water. My two days off indicated 60% chance of rain for Wilson, and gorgeous sun the next. But not to be dissuaded, it was indeed amazing and beautiful. Was supposed to meet some folks in the parking lot at 0600, but they must have departed exactly on time, because I arrived at 0607 after slogging over from the west side, and nobody was there. After prepping my gear, I started down the road at 0630. It was cool, misty and the sunrise only cast only a gray hue upon the damp trail. So quiet, only the sound of my foot steps as I crept along.

Upon the approach to Sturtevant Falls, and upward through the river gorge, the area is simply breath-taking, lots rushing of water, wet moss and fun creek crossings. My senses are awakened and heightened. I feel like a gnome traipsing through the lushest of forests, only found in in one’s dreams or fairy tales. No bear sightings, but lots of large squirrels, salamanders and a few birds.

Met soon some nice hiking partners along the trail. We stopped at Sturtevant Camp for a snack and rest. Thereafter, the steep trail up was soft and only mushy in a few spots. Rain and mist under the trees, started getting damp at 0900. Pretty cold at the summit. No view, just a fully socked-in cloud bank. Thankfully, coffee and hot chocolate awaited to warm my cold, damp hands. Pulled out the rain coat and parka for the trip down. Took 5 hours up, which included several breaks, a long lunch at the top, and returned to the car by 1500. Great hike in the lush, wet forest.

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