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Peak Cucamonga Peak
Group 3H - Hiking-for-Health-and-Happiness
Trailhead Icehouse Canyon

I almost didn’t make it to this hike. Due to being out-of-town due to work I barely made it back in town over the weekend to join 3H on the rematch to Cucamonga Peak. This was our second attempt this year after turning back on April 29 due to the strong winds. In my case, I got to Icehouse Canyon Trailhead around 0600H and the parking was already full so I parked uphill along the road. I just barely made it to back to the trailhead along with a few others just as 3H was starting the hike. Still made it. It felt fast-paced this time. The weather was perfect though. Made it to the summit and lined up for the obligatory photo on the rock. Ate lunch and took a power nap for a few minutes before we had our group pic. When it was time to leave I told our group lead that I would stay up there with a few others who were among the last to arrive before starting down. Took a few more minutes for a mini-power nap. Started down later with another hiker from the group and took it down slow but I was still feeling a little tired so after the switchbacks somewhere in the saddle between Bighorn and Cucamonga Peak I took a nap under a tree Icehouse Saddle. We later linked up with a few others who stayed a little longer at the summit and had caught up with us. We hiked back to to Icehouse Saddle and rested some more. Then we left and hiked back down to Icehouse Canyon. Good ending despite a somewhat hurried start. Not bad for a hike that almost never was.

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