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Peak Cucamonga Peak
Group N/A
Trailhead Icehouse Canyon

We parked shortly after 6am and took one of the last remaining spots in the parking lot (glad we did or we would’ve had to walk another mile). Started the hike at 6:30am, made it to the peak before noon and back to the car by 4pm. The trail conditions were great (all the ice is gone) and we had a nice breeze in sections of the trail. I would recommend starting around 6:30am or earlier as the days get warmer. The hardest section of the trail was that last mile to the peak as the sun was right on us and the trail seemed to get a bit steeper as we neared the summit. We hung out at the peak about an hour due to the clear skies, gorgeous views, lunch and the shot of tequila to numb the muscles a little bit since there wasn’t a masseuse in the area. It got a bit hot as we headed back down but at that point it wasn’t that much of an issue, you just let gravity do its job. Two down!

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