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Peak Mt Baldy
Group Just Me
Trailhead Manker Flats

I started off the hike visiting the incredible San Antonio Falls. I may or may not have stalled a bit too much here as I knew what i was in for on my climb. 🙂 The weather was nice and cool, a bit breezy. Once I made it to Baldy Notch, I started struggling to get up the that ski run area.. I literally dread that part of the trail! But, it wasn’t long before I began taking in the views as well as spotting a few snow patches, and life was GOOD. The Devils Backbone seemed a bit scarier than last year, as I could see where some rock slides happened from all of the snow this year. There was a moment in which I hear a small rock slide happening as I sat off the side of the trail to have a snack. This was not a sound I will forget! It ended up being a small slide that was far enough away to not raise concern, but it reminded me to always pay attention to my surroundings on these steep areas. Once I made it to the final stretch of summit, there was still quite a bit of snow in which made it a bit difficult to find the safest path to summit. The summit that day was cold, but absolutely breathtaking.

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