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Peak Mt Baldy
Group Midweek Hikers
Trailhead Devils Backbone

The hike was another if our super pre-dawn hikes starting out with headlamps and freezing temps. Worth it for the gorgeous pink skies and sunrise!! We made great time in this hike, with a few stops along the way to let everyone rest a bit and take photos of the stunning views this trail has to offer. We took the obligatory pics of each of us in the non-op ski lift, and even saw some mtn goats at the beginning of Devils Backbone, which had a layer of snow and ice on the sides. The top of Baldy was super windy and cold. My hike was made memorable, though, after we summited! As I stood to leave, the grommets of my hiking boots became stuck together (unbeknownst to me 😆). I crashed yo the ground, aka a pile of rocks. Needless to say, everyone ran over yo Dee this spectacle! There were lots of suggestions–the one I heard most was to “call the chopper!” I immediately wanted nothing to do with that! Long story short, I found out a couple days later I had re-located my shoulder (prior mtn bike injury). And severely sprained my wrist. The hike down was NOT as pleasant as the hike up! Lol. We stopped at San Antonio Falls and all of us went under the falls ~ talk about icy ❄️!! It did make me forget the pain though!! 😘

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