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Home Forums Ask a Question Is there flexibility in the route up/down a peak?

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  • #81220
    Lora W

    A fellow six peak challenger and I are in disagreement and in need of an official Jeff Hester settlement to this debate. We plan to hike Baldy this weekend. Does it count towards the challenge, regardless of which route we take up? For example, if we ascend the route via Baldy Hut and descend the other side of the mountain, does that still count or do we have to follow the suggested hike on the blog for it to “count” towards the challenge? Thanks so much for clarifying. 🙂

    Jeff Hester

    Hi Lora!

    Hopefully this is good news, but as explained on the Six-Pack of Peaks FAQ:

    “You can follow the recommended routes, but this is your Six-Pack — you can modify to take other trailheads. Remember that you only get out of it what you put into it.”

    For a hike like Baldy, I would actually recommend sending via the ski hut like you’re planning.

    As for the other peaks — you can choose your route. I did San Jacinto this past January from the tram. Granted, I was post-holing in deep snow, but I did it from the tram.

    Lora W

    Thank you, Jeff! 🙂

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