SoCal Hiker

Muir Monday: In Every Walk With Nature

In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks. - John Muir

In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks. – John Muir

How many times have you gone outdoors, and I mean really getting away from the grind, and been dumbstruck with the beauty of nature? Even after hiking for decades, I still am blown away by the scenery, the serenity, and the peace that I find in the wilderness.

About This Photo

I captured this photograph of Lyell Creek on our 2010 John Muir Trail thru-hike. We were hiking from Tuolumne Meadow to Upper Lyell Creek for the night. The water was so clear, the sky so blue, and the scenery so stunning that we had to remind ourselves to keep moving everyone once in a while. As it was, we stopped frequently to gawk at the beauty and appreciate the moment.

About Muir Monday

John Muir had a way with words. I’ve taken those words and put them over photos I’ve taken. I’m sharing those photos each Monday — Muir Monday — and kindly ask that if you like this image, that you share it! Tweet it, post it on Facebook, Pin it… whatever social network you use, feel free to share. And thanks for helping me spread Muir’s words of wisdom.

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