SoCal Hiker

Muir Monday: How Glorious a Greeting the Sun Gives

How glorious a greeting the sun gives the mountains. - John Muir

How glorious a greeting the sun gives the mountains. – John Muir

Many serious photographers consider sunrise and sunset photographs to be cliché. Personally, I love them! And there is nothing that compares with seeing the sunrise from Mount Whitney.

About this Photo

Hiking up Mount Whitney — the tallest mountain in the contiguous 48 states — in the black of night is breathtaking (figuratively and literally). But the payoff makes it all worthwhile; sunrise from nearly 15,000 feet above sea level. The sky begins to turn light well before you even catch a glimpse of the sun. When it finally arrives, it’s a spectacle of color and light better than any firework display.

I took this photo through the “windows” less than a mile from the summit of Mt. Whitney on our JMT thru-hike.

What is your favorite peak for sunrise or sunset? Let me know in the comments below.

About Muir Monday

John Muir had a way with words. I’ve taken those words and put them over photos I’ve taken. I’m sharing those photos each Monday — Muir Monday — and kindly ask that if you like this image, that you share it! Tweet it, post it on Facebook, Pin it… whatever social network you use, feel free to share. And thanks for helping me spread Muir’s words of wisdom.

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