SoCal Hiker

Muir Monday: Going to the Mountains is Going Home

Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wilderness is a necessity.” – John Muir

Ever had a week where you felt tired and nerve-shaken? Or is that the norm? Maybe you need to unplug. Get away. Go to the mountains. Sometimes we think that life has become a fast-paced frenzy, but Muir points out that this was a problem decades ago. His solution? Go to the mountains.

I shot this photo of Lake Edison exactly three years ago today, early in the morning. This was our tenth day of a 22-day thru-hike on the John Muir Trail, and we were taking a zero day (that’s a rest day in layman terms) at Vermilion Valley Resort. As the sun crested over the mountains to the east, wisps of fog swirled above the calm surface of the lake.

The scene was peaceful and serene, and reflected our feelings after a week and a half backpacking in the Sierras. Our nerves were no longer shaken. We were no longer “over-civilized.” I’m inclined to describe it as the ultimate reset button.

So go to the mountains. And discover for yourself the healing powers of the wilderness.

A Note about Muir Monday

I started sharing the wisdom of John Muir on back in June, posting new quotes on Instagram and Facebook with a photo I’ve taken that supports the message. Muir had a way with words, and the Muir Monday meme has proven popular. Beginning today, I’m trying out a new approach, sharing these inspirational words here on SoCal Hiker. Each Monday you’ll find a new quote to inspire you. Please spread the word, and share with your friends on Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, Google+ or whatever networks you prefer.

And if you’d like a square version for sharing, I’ve got you covered.


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