SoCal Hiker

How to Fit More Adventure in Your Life

Social Hikers

Last week I wrote a guest post at the Sierra Social Hub titled Fitting Adventure in a Busy Life. The basic premise is that adventure comes in many forms. Not all adventures are planned. Not all adventures are “epic” in scope, nor do they need be. And it doesn’t require quitting your 9-to-5 and living out of a big yellow van (not that there’s anything wrong with that).

I boiled it down to four key points:

1. Throw out your preconceived notions of adventure. You can have more adventure in your life, and on a regular basis. It just requires thinking differently about what adventure is and is not.

2. Define what adventure means to you. Don’t let the Discovery Channel dictate what constitutes adventure; adventure is for you to define. As Paul Simon said, “One man’s ceiling is another man’s floor.”

3. Make adventure a priority. If you really want adventure, you’ll have to plan time for it. It won’t often come searching for you on your couch. Get up, get outside, and get on the trail!

4. Bring others along for the adventure. Adventures are often better shared. Bring along your kids, your significant other or your friends. Make adventure social.

To follow up to this guest blog, Sierra Trading Post hosted a tweet chat using the hash tag #STPLive, where we continued the discussion on adventure. Here are a few of the highlights.

Q1: How do you define adventure?

Q2: What’s your number one excuse for avoiding adventure?

Q3: What was your most memorable adventure?

Q4: What was one of your preconceived notions about adventure?

Q5: How do you fit more adventure into your week?

Q6: Does it matter how other people define adventure?

Q7: What was your last mini-adventure?

Q8: What is your next big adventure?

Q9: How do you deal with losing motivation mid-adventure?

Q10: Tag your favorite adventure buddies

As you can see, everyone defines adventure differently and that’s okay. I had a great time co-hosting the tweet chat and thank Andy Hawbacker and Sierra Trading Post for the opportunity, and thank everyone who participated.

The #STPLive tweet chat is held each Thursday at 3pm Pacific. To join, just sign in to Twitter and search for #STPLive.

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