Site icon SoCal Hiker

We are now basically professional mountain climbers! Everest anyone?

Peak Cucamonga Peak
Group N/A
Trailhead Icehouse Canyon

Such a beautiful day. Not too hot or cold (but pretty chilly with the wind at Icehouse Saddle). We started out with 5 but only 2 of us made it to the summit. The last couple of miles were pretty treacherous to the top- little bit of rock scrambling, little bit of snow but not nearly as rough as the way down. Important reminder- make very sure to leave the exact way you came in! We ended up sliding down a large portion of the mountain to get back to the trail. But are now expert rock climbers and mountaineers 😃
The last little bit to the finish is frustrating as there are sooo many people on the trail- families and little kids and we just wanted to finish. But all in all it is a GREAT hike we’d do again. We enjoyed it so so so much more than Wilson!!

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