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Maybe I Should Have Rolled Down the Mountain

Peak San Bernardino
Group N/A
Trailhead Angeles Oaks

I don’t know why I thought it would be a good idea to hike San Gorgonio on Saturday and then hike San Bernardino the next day on Sunday. That might be fine for someone young and fit, or simply just really fit. That isn’t me. I think I bear a strong resemblance to Humpty Dumpty. I had some health issues a few years ago and the aftermath just hasn’t been pretty. Plus I have this terrible affliction of needing to indulge in rich, hoppy, calorie-laden IPA beer. I mean it’s just SOOO good. That just adds to my Humpty Dumpty-like figure. So with my physical attributes not indicating that I would be a good candidate to go out on long, strenuous back to back hikes, I decided to throw caution to the wind and do it anyway. Maybe that means Humpty Dumpty and I have more in common than our round bodies (am I dumber than an egg?). I asked a friend if she would like to hike San Bernardino with me on Sunday. She eagerly agreed. We met Sunday morning and I told her of my hike up San Gorgonio the day before. She thought it was awesome that I would do such a thing. We hit the trail sometime after 7:30am. I thought my legs would hurt a lot from the effort on the hike the previous day, but it wasn’t too bad. We made steady progress, although I had to take more breaks on this hike. The weather was perfect. It wasn’t hot or cold and the sun was out. There wasn’t much wind and it was just a clear beautiful day. My friend let me know that we could just hike to Limber Pines if I wasn’t up to hiking all the way to the summit. I told her that we were going to the summit even if I had to crawl there. It was my last peak to hike to complete the Challenge and foot and leg pain wasn’t going to stop me from finishing. We ended up making it to the summit and I think it was about noon at that point. We took photos and basked in the sum for a bit before heading back down. I ended up running into a woman there that I had seen on my Mt. Wilson hike back in July. That’s so cool! So we headed back down on the long trek back to our cars. I eventually had pain in my feet, shoulder, and legs that was unpleasant enough that I really didn’t get to enjoy the descent. It also had gotten a lot warmer so the lower parts of the trail felt hot. I just focused on getting back down so that I could sit down and remove my shoes. I think I really pushed myself to my limits. I felt very accomplished but it was definitely not all fun. What was the best part of the day was writing in the summit trail register “Six Pack of Peaks DONE!” We were on the road headed home around 4:30pm.

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