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“I saw this pissed off sad turtle today. Anyone know her name?”

Peak Mt Wilson
Group Team Hot Dog (this is what happens when I tell the guys we can have a group name) Sigh.
Trailhead Chantry Flats Parking Lot

This was our first peak! And I loved it!!! Unfortunately, 3 miles from the top, I cramped every step of the way! I couldn’t have been more frustrated, knowing my heart was in it, I was physically able to do it, yet not. Both legs, calves, and thighs =/ My friend said I looked like a pissed off turtle going up the mountain. But I sucked down mustard packets, drank electrolytes, and inched my way up to the top! Lesson learned: Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate! When we got to the top, unfortunately it was covered in clouds or fog and we were not able to get the amazing view. Heck, I was worried even walking through the parking lot looking for the marker on the ground because the cars couldn’t see me. I can’t wait for a redemption hike! We putzed around a little too long and ended up having to come down in the dark. We were worried about a hiker behind us who was moving at a slower pace and didn’t look prepared to be there in the dark, so we left a headlamp behind with a note. Hopefully she got it and made it safely down. The hike was great, I loved seeing soo much water on our Sturtevent Falls detour, and seeing soo much green! Knowing that people are doubting my abilities, made bagging this peak that much sweeter! Somehow we managed 20+ miles, we detoured a lot, but it was a great Saturday and some good training!

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