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Beet Juice – Not so much

Peak Cucamonga Peak
Group N/A
Trailhead Ice House Canyon

My boyfriend, his 19 year old son and I started our hike around 7:30am after finding parking a ways up the road from the already full parking lot. We had wanted to arrive earlier, but hit several road-blocks on the way up from San Clemente (which I won’t bother to bore you with). Regardless of the late arrival, we were all in good spirits and looking forward to the days hike and crisp clear weather the morning provided.

We started on up. The first cool sighting was a huge, semi-translucent appearing, spider or perhaps a small scorpion without a true tail-spur yet? Not sure, but it was pretty neat looking and I wish I would have snapped a picture. After that, it was mainly just up-ward and on-ward over rocky rooty terrain. It was beautiful and shaded at first.

After a while, the trail became even steeper. I was really good about drinking water, but not so good about eating. Mistake. I hadn’t had a proper breakfast, only one quarter of a peanut butter, banana and honey sandwich. So well before reaching the saddle I tried to eat some more, but could only get down another quarter of a sandwich and a gel. (I think the altitude and steepness of the hike was getting me.) By the time we reached the saddle, I wasn’t feeling well and thought the Super Beets supplement sounded like a good idea. WRONG.

It was just before reaching the peek that I lost it. I puked one little purple rainbow of beet juice. After that embarrassment, on a very busy trail, I sat there to calm down. After that, we were practically there and it was awesome. We got to the top and took a proper rest.

That was one tough climb, and the downhill was just as tough. Definitely feel good for having completed that climb.

Oh, and pack plenty of water or bring a filter for the spring. I brought 2 liters and ran out at mile 8, on the downhill. It wasn’t bad making the last three miles without water, but it’s still not recommended. It was hot and dusty and not fun. 😉

Did get to see the great lady bug gathering too! That was great.

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