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4 down 2 to go!! Cucamonga

Peak Cucamonga Peak
Group Solo
Trailhead Icehouse Saddle

Another Hot Day in the Mountains…..but not as hot as Saturday, which turned out to be a record breaking hot day in the Inland Empire! Started this one at 9:20 am and again parking and pass easy peasy, loved that! This hike trails right behind San Jacino which is my absolute favorite and I’ve done it from the tram, idyllwild and Marion, it’s hands down my favorite. Cucamonga trails right behind San Jacinto. However, I did not love the loose rocky terrain that if you step wrong youcould go sliding off the edge. I feel there is more of a threat here than at Baldy’s Devil backbone. Other than that, this is a really super beautiful, peaceful, (besides crowds of hikers, it was Sunday) incredibly scenic and loved the sections of variety throughout the hike, including the water for the first mile and a half missed with the often shady sections of trail. I felt the hardest part was for sure the trek to Icehouse Saddle, after that it really mellowed out but is also where the seriously rocky terrain kicks in. The last mile is also a kicker, but not any-worse than the elevation gain in the beginning. The views at the top are gorgeous as is the all the pine trees and views of mountain ranges all around you. I felt very connected to Cucamonga. Beautiful hike.

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